A-Tier – Andvari, Cleaver, Corvus, Dante, Daredevil, Dorian, Faceless, Galahad, Helios, Ishmael, Jet, Jhu, Keira, Luther, Morrigan, Nebula, Orion, Peppy, Qing Mao, Rufus, Satori.S-Tier – Aurora, Astaroth, Celeste, Isaac, Jorgen, K’arkh, Krista, Lars, Martha, Sebastian, Yasmine.C-Tier – Luther, Morrigan, Isaac, Mojo, Jhu, Artemis, Fox, Lilith, Astrid & Lucas, Judge.B-Tier – Rufus, Corvus, Markus, Thea, Tristan, Arachne, Kai, Ishmael, Qing Mao, Heidi, Chabba.A-Tier – Cleaver, Galahad, Andvari, Ziri, Dorian, Helios, Sebastian + Jet, Alvanor, Satori, Orion, Peppy, Dark Star, Elmir, Daredevil, Ginger, Lian, Phobos, Dante.S-Tier – Aurora, Astaroth, Martha, Celeste, Nebula, Jorgen, Faceless, Lars, Krista, K’arkh, Cornelius, Keira, Maya, Yasmine.If you find this useful, check out our Alchemy Stars tier list, World Flipper tier list, and Marvel Future Revolution tier list for more mobile game guides! Hero Wars tier list You will always want to follow this team composition, and you can find a Hero Wars tier list down below for every category. Remember, every team in Hero Wars utilizes a tank, a damage class (or two), support, and a healer. We also outline some good example teams you can use to dominate, with a few options depending on which heroes you have.

That’s why we put together this Hero Wars tier list, which includes a breakdown of every character in the team.

GM and Tamamo are generally the best though. It really depends on which heroes you have and how upgraded they are. These two spots can be switched around a bit. Tamamo No Mae (or Zeus if Tamamo isn’t upgraded well).Ganjiang & Moye (or Izanami if she’s your main carry).Nuwa (or any physical DPS such as Lucifer).Dionysus (Only if weapon 100+ is unlocked).

Support heroes should fill the last three spots: It could be a secondary carry or just the highest ascended DPS hero that you’ve got. Iset is untested, so I can’t really say much on that for now. Joan of Arc can be good, especially when her weapon is upgraded. However, as she is a UR hero and isn’t available in the market, she can be quite hard to ascend.ĭionysus is the best hero for bosses due to his weapon reducing their defense, which increases their damage taken. This effectively makes every battle a 5v4 at the start. At weapon level 400, the skill is always cast at the beginning of battles. Her Pillars of the Sky skill will remove one enemy from the battlefield.